Wedding Day Surprises: Common Snafus and Solutions for a Smooth Celebration

A wedding day is a culmination of dreams, meticulous planning, and the promise of forever. Yet, even the most carefully orchestrated events may encounter unexpected twists and turns. Almost everything that could have gone wrong at my wedding did. And now that I am a wedding photographer I have seen a couple things that could have been avoided. In this guide, we explore common wedding snafus and offer practical solutions to ensure your special day remains a celebration of love, despite the occasional hiccup.

1. Weather Woes: Rain, Wind, or Unexpected Elements

Snafu: Rain! Outdoor ceremonies are a romantic choice, but Mother Nature doesn't always cooperate. Rain can put a damper on the day.

Solution: Have a Rain Plan Always have a backup plan for outdoor events. Rent a tent, choose a venue with an indoor option, or provide umbrellas for guests. Embrace the unexpected, and remember, rain can lead to some of the most enchanting photos! I live in the the Seattle area, and as a PNW photographer I have weather gear for my cameras to make sure I am ready for any wedding snafus also.

Snafu: Wind. I don’t think that people take this one into consideration enough. At least not here in the PNW. My sister had a beach elopement and a backyard reception at my house and the wind this day was really harsh. It whipped the sand against our skins and it was honestly painful. The result being that she didn’t end up even wanted to stay on the beach long enough to get the pictures she wanted. The tents in the back yard almost flew away.

Solution: If you are having your wedding in a notoriously windy area, I would suggest making sure that your bridal party has longer dresses to protect there legs, If you are going to be having your wedding day on the beach, look for a secondary location nearby that might have better wind shield. If you are using tents, make sure that you are able to use sand bags, or be able to anchor them into the ground. We used zip ties to hold the tents securely against some railing.

2. Wardrobe Malfunctions: Torn Dresses or Lost Accessories

Snafu: Fashion Emergency Tears, snags, or misplaced accessories can cause last-minute panic for the bride and bridal party.

Solution: Prepare an emergency bridal kit with safety pins, needle and thread, fashion tape, and extra accessories. Enlist a trusted bridesmaid to be in charge of the kit, ensuring that any fashion hiccups are swiftly addressed. As a wedding photographer, I have a pretty extensive Uh-Oh bag, so if for some reason you forgot to put one together, be sure to ask your wedding photographer, or your coordinator.

3. Vendor No-Show: MIA Photographer or Late Caterer

Snafu: Vendor no-show is one of the most anxiety-inducing scenarios that can happen to a bride. A vendor failing to show up or arriving late can be a really hard thing to deal with, and honestly there might not be a solution right then and there, but there are ways to ensure that this happening to you is slim.

Solution: Confirm and communicate!! Double-check contracts and timelines in the weeks leading up to the wedding. Establish open communication with vendors and ensure they have clear directions and schedules from the get go, and make sure to communicate any changes as soon as you can to them.

Consider having a day-of coordinator to manage vendor logistics. If a vendor is being hard to communicate with, you may want to consider moving on to a different vendor, because communication is key!

But say the worst does happen even though you did have a good line of communication. Emergencies happen. Say the DJ doesn’t show up, try to make sure to have a Spotify playlist of music downloaded and ready to go just in case. I did this at my wedding and thank goodness I did because my DJ was a no show. Luckily my venue had a sound system set up and one of my friends took on the role of DJ.

What do you do if your florist is a no show? You can simply go without if you choose, but that certainly isn’t ideal for most brides. I did all my own florals, and unfortunately the flowers did not get delivered. I’m still bitter at Costco for that. So my bridesmaids and I ran around town and bought all the white roses at every store in town the night before the wedding. It was not ideal.

My suggestion is to be more lax in your expectations if a snafu like this does happen. I had a vision in my head and, because I was unable to waiver from that vision even a little bit, it was a very stressful night, that could have been better spent having fun with my friends. If I could do it over again, I would have asked my mom or someone close to me to go pick out 5 bouquets for bridesmaids from a local florist, and then one for me. You can ask the florist to make a the bouquet a little more bridal for yours, they are usually extremely accommodating, and the florals don’t have to match. Then I would have have another person go to the grocery stores and pick out enough bud vases for each table. All in all it would have cost me an extra $350.00 but it would have saved me a lot of time and stress. Definitely try to have some “Just in Case” money set aside.

No matter which of your vendors doesn’t show up I have 3 bits I want you to take away from this.

  1. Have a Day of Coordinator if you can. They will be able to handle a lot of this without you having to get stressed out.

  2. Plan for the worst and be flexable. Rigidity in situations like this can make things more stressful than they need to be.

  3. Have some money set aside for day of snafus.

4. Technology Troubles: Sound System or Presentation Issues

Snafu: Microphone mishaps, a malfunctioning sound system, or presentation glitches during speeches and toasts can disrupt the flow of the ceremony or reception.

Solution: Test equipment in advance. Test all audio-visual equipment before the big day and test it on the big day before the ceremony. Have a backup microphone on hand and designate someone to troubleshoot in case of technical difficulties. Communicate with your DJ or band to ensure they are prepared for seamless transitions.

5. Guest List Confusion: Unexpected Plus-Ones or No-Shows

Snafu: Guest list mix-up! Guests bringing uninvited plus-ones or last-minute no-shows can throw off seating arrangements and catering plans.

Solution: Clearly communicate RSVP instructions and deadlines. Work closely with your venue coordinator to finalize guest counts and seating arrangements well in advance. Be prepared for a few unexpected guests and have a contingency plan for accommodating them. One that I often see is an extra table. I have also seen it where brides will leave one seat open at each table just in case.

Weddings are a tapestry of love, laughter, and unforeseen moments. While it's impossible to control every detail, embracing the unexpected can turn a potential snafu into a memorable part of your wedding story. Keep calm, trust your contingency plans, and remember that the most important element of the day is the love you share and the commitment you're making. Happy celebrating!


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